This sketch represents the three levels spoken about in the reading in relation to what I would like to pursue for my thesis. The "phantom" element, or first step in the process refers to the main goal of walkability, creating a strong connection to nature, and looking back to the history of the site. The next step begins to establish a hierarchy in terms of the different layers that existed there, with the history of the site coming first, then beginning to look at specific points along the river to create a connective tissue. The last step, looking at external reality uses ecology as a connection and looks to spread to the greater urban context. By this point, the layering of the systems is complete, with culture, history, and ecology all coming together to form a cohesive whole.
Liz, I think your approach to the project is very rooted in context and site as a complex system and will be indicative of a variety of factors affecting the city. Understanding the layers of information that have accumulated over time is a valuable part of the design process, and your assumption of an intervention location seems very open still. I think your idea of incorporating smaller moves as well as larger ones seems very comprehensive and your outlined goals match the project in a meaningful way. I wouldn't get bogged down with looking at just those select filters, I think we'll be learning more and more about how varied and different people's perspectives are. I'm curious about how your overall narrative will expand as a result.